I'm a Sitecore, OrderCloud and .Net developer, Dad, cyclist and all round nerd from Melbourne, Australia. Then, other apps (like Grafana) can query the database to create visualizations. Make sure the FROM is set to home_assistant and you filter on domain or entity_id first. DSMR reader for home-assistant using MQTT - IoT Assistant Home assistant makes it super-easy to capture data from devices around your home by adding plugins, and it makes that data available in the history tab, so you can keep track of whats going on, like this. docker: Error response from daemon: Bind mount failed: /path/for/influxdb does not exists. Note the text saying "Retention: Forever". The installation of this add-on is pretty straightforward and not different in comparison to installing any other add-on. On the new page you should see your bucket name in the lower left section of the screen in the "From" frame. friendly_name: Bewegingsmelder grote kamer, and get this error : Could not render template Bewegingsmelder grote kamer: UndefinedError: sensor is undefined. Here I select the "value" entry. Path to use if your InfuxDB is running behind a reverse proxy. Setting up InfluxDB and Grafana using Docker - Home Assistant In "Auth" section turn off the "Basic auth" option. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Influx admin panel was removed in a newer version of Influx in favour of Chronograf. Whats the average temperature inside during the summer months, compared to winter? I decided to go with MariaDB in a docker container and this step should improve performance and make my SD card last a lot longer. However, I'm also using a zigbee usb stick and the Synology NAS can only expose that to HA through a VM. include or exclude blocks can be used to control what data should be saved to influxDB. Add your timezone in the environment variables, so that you'll have proper timestamps in your database entries. Then try and start Grafana manually and see if theres any errors in the console that might lead you to where the problem is. Save the "configuration.yaml" file and restart the home assistant. If it doesnt use home-assistant_v2.db, can logbook: and history: be removed from configuration.yaml or is there some dependency? influxdb data/table be downloaded as csv file? - Stack Overflow If you do, then click on the "Submit" button on the extreme right side of the screen. For example, in InfluxDB Cloud it looks like this: https://us-west-2-1.aws.cloud2.influxdata.com/orgs/{OrganizationID}. I currently declared my energy sensors using the utility_meter . Choose the "latest" tag. Go ahead and drag a Singlestat onto your dashboard. host: Retrying again in 60 seconds. Or you can sign up for their cloud service and connect Home Assistant to that. I think the default retention period is 6 months, but yes longer periods might become something to think about. I chose docker/Grafana. Execute the query: SHOW TAG VALUES ON "homeassistant" WITH KEY = "entity_id" and create a dashboard of if. Make sure you are running the latest version of Home Assistant before reporting an issue. If you use the default name of home_assistant for the database, haven't set any . I kind of liked the idea of the "whole" supervised HA VM and not just the bare docker deployment. The InfluxDB config should be exposed by a volume mount. With most of our . MySQL. To obtain this, open the UI of your 2.xx installation, the URL at the top will have it after /orgs. While it works with a bunch of them InfluxDB is the preferred one in most cases. Once it restarts, Home Assistant should start sending data to InfluxDB. Check the InfluxDB documentation on Home Assistant for the complete list of configuration. DSMR reader for home-assistant using MQTT. Click on "Environment" tab. Hmm interesting. There are ways we can get this into Grafana, as it is stored in InfluxDB. Grafana is connecting to the DB without any issue Maybe Home Assistant only reads the temperature outside once an hour from Dark Sky. While this language was available in 1.xx installations, it was not the default and not used in the API so you may not be aware of it. Defines the measurement name in InfluxDB (the FROM clause of the query). InfluxDB is an open source time series database, which makes it useful for recording metrics, events and performing analytics. [SOLVED] InfluxDB does not show any measurements - Home Assistant Community rtsecs). Now that everything is set up I can always pretty easily add more data in the future. It exposes an HTTP API for client interaction and if often used in combination with . To do so, modify your Home Assistant configuration.yaml to include the details of your InfluxDB installation. If you wish, you could continue and select specific sensors or just decide that this is sufficient for the test. If youre familiar with relational databases like MySQL orPostgreSQL, InfluxDB is similar but excels at managing time series data. If that doesnt work, there is something called Portainer. When you do this query panels will disappear and be replaced with a Flux query. We'll repeat the process for Grafana read token. Once youve setup your data source, we can start off by creating a simple temperature line chart. Wow, once I figured out how to use a tenth of its capabilities, this thing is amazing! I always get a Connection refused. Add a comment. Now its time for the main event. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Here we will point Grafana towards the bucket on the InfluxDB server. This first username and password will be the root user, which will have complete access to Grafana. Not sure if it will help, but you never know. For more information, please see our Next, you can delete unwanted entities completely: Exclude the entity from being written to the InfluxDB again. influxdb:api_version: 2ssl: falsehost: influxdb.exmaple.comport: 8086token: organization: Home Assistantbucket: home_assistanttags:source: HomeAssistanttags_attributes:- friendly_name- device_classdefault_measurement: units, And an example query: https://imgur.com/a/7fpf2Dw. This is a basic way to look at the data captured by Home Assistant. To test that InfluxDB is working correctly and the database was created we can use its REST API. and our Then also choose an organization name and a bucket (database) name. I mentioned that I create template sensors for extracting the battery levels for my devices. Libraries to import in order to execute your query. Go back to the Metrics tab, and click the Add Query button. Ive just found this thread and was happy, because it could solve an issue Im currently facing, but I stumbled upon something. This way if you decide to upgrade to a newer version of InfluxDB/Grafana in the future, youll have the data available on your host machine, and it wont get destroyed if you remove the Docker container from your system. We could choose to display each rooms temperature sensor individually. So I decided to create one myself to help people to have a basic start with such deployment. when an entity doesnt have a unit. The influxdb integration makes it possible to transfer all state changes to an external InfluxDB database. Another great feature of Grafana are Alerts. I copied the following docker run command: docker run -d All that is left to do is to tweak this a bit, by assigning a title to the panel and saving the dashboard by clicking the "Save" button on the top-right corner. Rinse and repeat for other graphs you might want to create as well, like Lux/Brightness, download speeds, etc. For instructions on how to create a database check the InfluxDB documentation relevant to the version you have installed. Select the "Enable auto-restart" checkbox. I am using this experience to work on the Home Assistant project by giving back my knowledge and time to the open source community. Only that now, this will be a query that we would actually want to display in Grafana. theyre zwave devices. One question with the docker image: How do you increase the influcdb connection pool? We now want to actually display all that data. Lets switch over to Grafana to use this data. You can also configure it to refresh automatically. If youre using my Docker container, heres how Ive set it up. Out-of-the-box Home Assistant has a recorder and history component. If you followed my Docker instructions, you'll find it running on port 3004, otherwise it uses port 8086 for non-docker installations. Long term Home Assistant data history with InfluxDB If you notice that your fridge/freezer has started to use more power than usual, it might need a new seal or something. Well also need to configure our data source, which is going to be InfluxDB. You can change the IP address to the IP address where your InfluxDB install is running if needed. I can connect to p3003 fine for Grafana, and 3004 fine for Chronograf but how do I get to the Influxdb landing page in your video so that I can set up an influx db? mount type=bind,source=/volume1/docker/influxdb,target=/var/lib/influxdb If you want to show your appreciation, consider supporting me for buying a cup of high octane wakey juice via one of the platforms below! You get an overview of entities in the DB. Together with the fact that the HomeAssistant bucket exists, the InfluxDB is now ready to be used. Hopefully they fix that in a future release. Click those to bring up a context menu for the row, and click Add Panel. You also can not dynamically change the timeframe. Exclude all entities matching a listed pattern. To answer these types of questions, we need to use a separate system. I would first confirm that both Home Assistant, and the Influx container are both using the host network. First you need to configuration datasources and set up InfluxDB as a new source. It will allow you to visualize data as well. platform: template Or when the sensor wakes? Home Assistant (hass) is an open source home automation platform. Press "Continue" button. We're going to run a query to create a new database just for Home Assistant. Recreating the database seems to have got it working, but Ive now lost all the history am I missing something with ensuring persistence of data here?? Just remember that youll only be able to report on values with numbers. Alternatively, you can use a DSMR reader that send data to MQTT directly. Im going to skip over creating multiple users. Most likely this will be the only user which you will create, since InfluxDB changes how databases are accessed (we'll come to that later). And it starts by going back to the InfluxDB web GUI. influxdb: host: username: homeassistant password: passwd . It tells me that its syntactically correct, but returns no values. Here's an example: Also you can add this sensor to home assistant to see the size of your database and if it is growing: - platform: influxdb host: a0d7b954-influxdb port: 8086 username: homeassistant password: !secret influxdb_pssword queries: - name . You must configure the influxdb history component in order to create influxdb sensors. We now have a basic Singlestat added to the dashboard. This will add the values below the graph. Duration or time value to stop range at. It's really, really easy because HA supports InfluxDB out of the box. no problem. fantastic - these apply directly to running on docker on my Mac! If so, just use the same as above, but switch out the name to the new sensor in the value_template. 2018-01-24 15:01:23,770 INFO spawned: grafana with pid 1698 I snaffled your docker-hub image and ran it up to try and its awesome. Defines the data selection clause (the where clause of the query). It runs without issues and creates files and folders under mapped folders. and verify that the database exists and is READ/WRITE In my case normal load CPU load is about 20%, with glances running it nearly doubled. That way your historical data doesnt take up space on your SD card. I find these great to show gauges of battery levels in devices. Ive been pointed in the direction of a bug within Chronograf. Cant SSH to 22022, get connection refused. So at this point Im expecting youve got InfluxDB and Grafana installed and up-and-running. Thanks Phil will have a poke tonight! Why run HA in a VM but components it needs in containers? Thats very annoying (and another reason for me not to upgrade DSM). Port 3003 works: I see the page from Grafana Then you see all entities that are stored yesterday with the "%" measurement. Read external InfluxDB in Home Assistant as a sensor - IT-obey! How can I show them in HASS ? Of course these are just some ideas Ive had. First, lets query InfuxDB and look at all the different sensor data it is storing. The dashboards can be configured with multiple types of graphs out-of-the-box. For some reason Im unable to get the logbook to show anything. I had my syntax wrong. I'm currently re-deploying HomeAssistant and have decided to try and set it up with the new InfluxDB 2.x. All others rely on community effort. If someone has access to all my Grafana dashboards, theres probably bigger problems to solve first. In "Token" field copy-paste the value of the "Grafana - Read" token, that you saved at the end of Section 3. You need to do the following steps in order to get this working: Click on "OPEN WEB UI" to open the admin web-interface provided by this add-on. So, its still a work in progress for the time being. Click the "Next" button. Click "Add" button and in the "variable" field enter TZ and in the "Value" field enter your timezone in format continent/City (you can find a list here). 1.xx only - Verify SSL certificate for HTTPS request. If you instead choose the things most important you want to graph, this should reduce the number of calls to InfluxDB Home Assistant needs to make, and hopefully avoid the error youre seeing. We could adjust our GROUP BY interval higher, to something like an hour which might solve that. 2018-01-24 15:00:57,596 INFO reaped unknown pid 1578 InfluxDB is an open source time series database optimized for high-write-volume. We can configure Home Assistant to write data for some (or all) devices to this new database. rtsecs) In this case this is /var/lib/grafana Click on the "Port Settings" tab. Click the select measurement and this time choose %. Now that our database is created and listening on port 8086 we can tell Home Assistant to start using it. I was looking for a long time how to use influxdb 2.0 and before finding this post I wasn't even sure Home Assistant supported it! If you scroll through this, you should see entries that are obviously coming from HomeAssistant. Anything else? Here I cannot give you detailed steps as the query selection depends on what you want. Now you can tweak things to your liking, create additional panels, queries and whatnot. Youll be looking at changing the reporting intervals, and possibly group reports. Cookie Notice Because were not going to expose InfluxDB to the open internet, Im not going to bother configuring a username and password to access this table. Thanks for reading. Then use the new sensor.sonos_volume in your Grafana instance. I have had some problems with other dashboards that is using $__interval . -p 3004:8083 {% else %} :-). influxdb: host: port: !secret influx_port database: home_assistant username: !secret influx_username password: !secret influx_password Any way on how I can figure out if HA is actually writing to the bucket, or can you already tell that I do not write anything because I am missing an essential part? Measurement name to use instead of measurement_attr or default measurement. Section 4 - Configure HomeAssistant to write data to InfluxDB. But i cant seem to set username and password to protect it from the outside? InfluxDB, Home Assistant & Grafana - Energy & Power. n/a that makes it worse , grafana is then unable to connect to influxDB, When using the gui i noticed that no volumes are mapped i added them again via the gui but that didnt solve the issue either. from the database - Telegraf - InfluxData Community Forums Needed with organization configuration variable. If theres anything you dont want recorded in there, you can use the exclude parameter. -p 22022:22 2.xx only - List of sensors to expose in Home Assistant. Storing Home Assistant Sensor Data in InfluxDB Once logged in, the command youll want to run is, I changed the owner in File Station to my User and now grafana works . You can omit if you wish to use your own aggregator, which takes additional/different parameters or want to act on a different column. If you used the yr.no weather first, which is configured by the example config, if i remember correctly, it . I've got a PC where I have multiple VMs for some other stuff and have decided to put HA in a VM there. This is where well make some adjustments to how the graph is reading the data from InfluxDB. Thanks a lot for your reply. I select that and a new "Filter" frame opens. However if there are entries, then you have just verified that your configuration is valid and you're doing OK so far. You should get a response back with a list of measurements being taken. Defines a template to extract a value from the payload. You can always change the retention, so that data gets dropped after a certain period. name grafana Out of curiosity, how big is/was your homeassistant.db? If you want the graphs inside the UI, Im not 100% sure how to go about this. Do I have to take special care on anything here? Section 1 - Deploy InfluxDB 2.x in Docker Ill have to wait until this works in the released version Watch on. 1.xx only - List of sensors to expose in Home Assistant. You will be prompted to set a new password. How do I update Grafana and Influxdb? Yeah so you should be able to SSH in on port 22022 to update anything you want. By default, no entity will be excluded. Nice job! On the left side choose the "Explore" icon. I have been renaming the tags within Grafana as they come in as gibberish, What does the "friendly_name" section do? Click the "Add Folder" button and choose the location on your host filesystem, where Grafana will be storing its persistent data. Switch back to the Grafana tab in your browser. Username and password (for the homeassistant user in the database we created above) needs to be put into the secrets.yaml file in the form of influxdb_user:homeassistant. There is a much better software for this: Grafana. Grafana "Local Port" defaults to 3000. Todays article looks at a time series database called InfuxDB that Home Assistant can use to store all your sensor data in a database. Basically if you have sensors who only occasionally update your graphs might be empty because Grafana is not able to just display the latest value. This is the default InfluxDB port and all the instructions will refer to it in all the guides. Well follow the exact steps as above for the outside temperature, but this time selecting the entity ID for the temperature of the living room sensor. Hello Phil, I just installed the InfluxDB-Grafana docker. See the official installation documentation for how to set up an InfluxDB database, or there is a community add-on available. USE "<***db_name***>"; DELETE FROM "<***measurement_name***>" WHERE "<***tag***>" = '***tag_value***' AND time < '2021-04-04', Actual query eg: Hi Phil, Im using your grafana-influxbd docker container on my Synology NAS for more than a year now and I like it so much with my home automation. Now that our database is created and listening on port 8086 we can tell Home Assistant to start using it. I set up InfluxDB and Grafana with my Home Assistant installation and will show you how to do this in no time in this blog post. In the overview screen I see the battery sensor now ( no errors anymore whoohooo ), but its giving me n/a What could be wrong ? A series in InfluxDB is the unique set of 1) measurement name, combined with 2) tag names and their values. Include all entities matching a listed pattern. Note that unlike the 1.xx queries, this does not default to mean. Lets take a look at some questions you might be able to answer by analyzing your sensor data over longer periods. 2:49 PM setup.py (ERROR) Thank you so much again @frenck , you truly are amazing. In very short time you can create a custom dashboard that includes diagrams or current status numbers for your devices. sensors: FYI Influx is not generally used as a replacement for the main database but as a supplement. Available for free at home-assistant.io, Press J to jump to the feed. One for HomeAssistant to be able to write to the bucket another for Grafana to be able to read from the bucket. Thankfully Home Assistant has some integrations we can use. Were going to run a query to create a new database just for Home Assistant. I get to influxdb but nothing under http://serveraddress:3003. This is because we may not have any data points for the period. You may need to chmod it to 0777 incase the user inside the container doesnt have permission to write to the host system, which can sometimes happen. Needed with organization configuration variable. Name of the bucket within your Organization to read from. The built-in history tool is a little bit more powerful but also not that much better. In my case this is Either way, you can try to drop your data like this: DROP SERIES FROM "gal" WHERE "entity_id" = 'water_meter'. I did it in one evening. Reading through the Home Assistant documentation on InfluxDB we need to have a database named home_assistant created on InfluxDB. 4. Thats an antipattern in docker. Easy Home Assistant Node Red InfluxDB and Grafana integration This is where I leave you. Both running on docker on the same host Ive tried a few variants of this, including changing the time range or removing it entirely. As I want to be able to store the data from InfluxDB and Grafana, I created my own Docker image which allows that. The list of attribute names to ignore when reporting to InfluxDB. Straight away youll see the gauge appear. Port to use. Lets break down the setup into separate steps for creating the database and then hooking it up to Home Assistant. Ive done all documented setup and double checked it. Getting Started with Grafana & InfluxDB for Home Assistant Click the "Save" button. Open the influxdb addon webui and use the data explorer. But what if we want to do more analysis, combine various metrics and do calculations, so that we can get a more in depth look at whats going on? Just click on that field and you will get auto completion for all possible entities in the database. Theres also some great options to setup alerts. Just keep in mind by increasing the frequency of these reports, youll be using more of the battery, so battery life will be affected. Set this to allow the integration to retry if there was a network error when transmitting data. Entries will be limited, since they will start from the moment that you have added HomeAssistant->InfluxDB config into HomeAssistant. Now lets make some final cosmetic changes. Once the data is stored in the database you can analyze it for trends, create graphs and use the data in other applications.