Help me to do my part with enthusiasm, and then to rest in Your hands, -Oh Almighty God, you have the ultimate power over everything, thus here I am today to seek your blessings for the prospective candidates of the respective parties such that they can organize a successful election campaign and can influence the mass with their positive outlook for a better future. May Gods Presence overwhelm you and flood you with His perfect LOVE to cast out and far away from you all fear so that you may know and walk in His perfect peace. Pray that the election outcome would result in our nation being poised for greater spiritual growth and revival. Yet in all things Christ is good. 50+ Uplifting Prayers for A Successful Election Campaign, 25 Types Of People Who Destroy Your Happiness, How to Stay Away from Toxic People: 51+ Proven Ways, 19 Habits Of Unhappy People That You Should Not Cultivate, 101+ Positive Affirmations for an Extrovert, Dreaming Of Colors: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of Microwave: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of A Toilet: 55+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of a Skunk: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming About The End Of The World: 50+ Meanings. I love, love this powerful prayer and I agree with it in Jesus mighty name!!! Father in heaven, as we approach this election on Tuesday, I pray 1) that your people will vote, 2) and that they will vote with a sense of thankfulness for a democratic America was formed for Your purposes and may they be fulfilled. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their righteousness is of ME saith the LORD! Help us O God that we will return, repent, reconcile with You so that we will receive from You a revival of the spirit and restoration of fellowship with You in our daily walk, to follow You, serve You, and worship You and You alone. Amen. You shall represent the people before God and bring their cases to God, and you shall warn them about the statutes and the laws, and make them know the way in which they must walk and what they must do. Ive never prayed for my team to win. God, bless Australia, Blessings of peace to you and yours. I pray for one more chance because this pain of separation is killing me. So remember to cast your vote, and do so without fear. Lord Jesus, please suppress the efforts of the evil one working behind the scenes to destroy this one nation under God. May only righteous and just , Godly men and women be victorious. Still, even as the nation waits for the ballots to be tallied, Christians everywhere are being reminded that God is in control. -Oh Lord of love and power, kindly shower your blessings on the prospective candidates of the different parties and help them to host a successful election campaign since Lord, I know and I believe that your help and support will motivate them and will give rise to the healthy competitive feeling into them. Please try again later. Lord, right now it feels like there is so much at stake, and there is a lot of anxiety about the upcoming election. that we may listen, speak and vote with sound minds. Here are four ways to pray over a president, whoever he may be: Pray honestly, but with mercy. Bless each one by touching them powerfully with YOUR LIGHT LIFE LOVE AND LIBERATION may Your Precious Holy Spirit pour out upon them and through them as they take ground for Your Kingdom. Who Won the Chicago Mayors Race? What to Know on the Runoff Amen. especially those who are victims of abuse and violence, deceit and poverty. Thank you, Father, for giving us the keys of David that open doors that no mane can shut & close doors that no man can open. Father God, we cry out to You at this historical moment of our nation, at this crossroads we are facing. We ask for your favor on America, that what the devil meant for evil you will turn for good. I pray that your kingdom will come in full force no matter the out come.May all see that you alone can rule a nation and you will not allow us to have any other Gods before you. -Oh Lord, you are all humble and wise; I pray to you kindly shower your blessings on the prospective candidates of the respective parties and grant them your strength such that they can face difficult challenges in their path towards hosting a successful election campaign without giving up. God revealed a plan for the ancient Israelites to follow. Expose them! Please stand us on our feet and fight with all the weapons you have given us. October 20, 2020 at 12:55 PM ET. We lift up to You this nation of ours, the United States of America. The battle belongs to the Lord.He alone is capable! HE. Let Your glory sweep over this nation! And that is what I Verse 31 gives Pauls two prayer requests: (1) that I may be delivered from those who are disobedient in Judea, and (2) that my service for Jerusalem may prove acceptable to the saints. So he had two concerns: (1) that the non-Christians in Judea would kill him and end his ministry; (2) that the Christians would find fault with his ministry. -Oh Lord, you are all humble and wise, kindly shower your blessings on the faithful candidates and help the respective party members to host their election campaign successfully at different places such that they can pursue the mass with their policies and ideologies to attract their votes. (765)452-1779 Make a way for those who are physically impaired to go vote. Never stop praying. Stop the media from suppressing the scandals of one candidate while magnifying the shortcomings of another. WebContained in the plan is a theory of how to win the election. How to Pray for the Upcoming Election - Revive Our Hearts Keep our eyes on You. Make America Godly Again FOR ONE AND ALL and even more Kingdom like than ever in our History. "My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will be life Forgive our sins and SILENCE! May those who do not know you come to know you and call you Lord and Savior. Lord God you have chosen to allow men to rule over nations. Prayer Father in heaven, as we approach this election on Tuesday, I pray. AMEN! Thank You Jesus for this day and everything that comes forth in this day! rendering to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are Gods. Pour out Your Light on all hearts that they may receive light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. guard our people Thank you for all that you do for helping us, as believers, to be able to intercede together. God our God come and fill us and Bless America Again FOR ONE AND FOR ALL. Lord, we desire that these godly seeds shall develop into a harvest that shall be reaped for Your purposes. Proud member Where we have forgotten our moral compass, havent lived our values out of fear or just plain apathy. Now obey my voice; I will give you advice, and God be with you! After endless months of campaigning, scandals, soul-searching, and spiritual debates, American Christians will go to the polls and cast their vote for the next president of the United States. A peaceful transfer of power its the American hallmark. We will always have victory in Jesus and that can never be taken away. God our God come and fill us and Bless America Again FOR ONE AND FOR ALL. We invite you to join IFA in prayer today. The Lord gave me a vision for the 2016 election that IN HIM UNTIL THE VERY END THERE IS ALWAYS VICTORY\o/ wooohoooo ALL PRAISES TO YOU LORD OUR GREAT GOD THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS THE TRUMP IS IN YOUR HANDS AS THE INSTRUMENT TO DO YOUR BID AND CALL!! Watch a video explaining this prayer. You Word says that You change the times and the seasons, so You are in control of this phase in our nations history. Thus I pray to you kindly let the candidates of the respective parties host their election campaign successfully such that the common people get a chance to choose the suitable candidate for them according to their needs and demands. and keep them from deceit and corruption. Who Won the Chicago Mayors Race? What to Know on the Runoff We declare in Jesus Name corruption of the ballots will be exposed! This is your Foundation and your LAW! Lord, we ask all these things, believing them to be Your will and believing them to be for Your glory, in the precious all-prevailing name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Savior. We will not accept satans schemes, we will not settle for less than your perfect will. Forgive us for celebrating unloving behavior in our candidates and our leaders. Time is of the essence now. We must resist their influence in our lives and our nation. I prayed the blood of Jesus over the entire nation. O Lord, I pray with total agreement for this prayer for Your Glory alone Lord! Heavenly Father today the vote is cast. What Does It Mean That There Is No One Holy Like God? She and her husband have lived all over the country serving their Lord and Savior in ministry. -Oh Almighty God, you have the ultimate power over everything; kindly guide the prospective parties in the correct direction such that they can organize an election campaign successfully with good and pure intentions of earning votes that can get elected and can work for the improvement of the society. Hear us, good Lord. Father, we need godly people to govern our Nation so once again we can freely worship You and have peace. I only pray believing You hear and Answer, Yes and Amen and so in Jesus Name I say, So Be It. We pray for those who work in the election commission offices. Thank you again for this opportunity to pray together with fellow believers in this important day. Who knows, but historically Americans have risen to the challenge and peacefully selected those who govern them. We are the true government with the authority of Christ if we would just be more aware of that and stop being so full of false humility. Pour out Your Spirit on ALL men and women during this time. Protect the candidates, and may they be obedient to Your will. Thank You Lord God, thank You for all of those throughout the whole world who stand praying for America today. Postal Service to deliver ballots in a timely fashion have driven some to speculate a mail-in vote will end up in the courts. This is the eighth of thirteen issues selected by our members and resulting froma nationwide faith and values study called Vital Signs.Each week, we will cover a new topic with in-depth insights and biblical perspective in order to encourage, equip, and inspirepraying Americans leading up to the 2020 Election. We pray all these things in the Name of our King and Redeemer, Lord Jesus Christ! Thus I pray to you kindly shower your blessing on the candidates of the respective parties such that they can host an election campaign successfully with a huge mass of population attending their campaign. The Charismatic Christians prophesying Trump's victory (and not No weapon formed against Your choice Lord will prosper. so that we might see each other as brothers and sisters, Place upon the hearts of voters Your will. Intercede for the mechanics of the vote to be carried out without hinderance or unnecessary drama. Thank you so much for praying for us from South Africa! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Abba Father we pray that Your Righteousness will rule in the election commission counting process as they work to verify these votes have been cast by registered Americans voters and that those who are now deceased, as a result of the pandemic (COVID), have been removed from the registered voters list? I pray that all false reporting of Covid-19 and exaggerations surrounding case numbers and deaths will be stopped and that those responsible for what seems a deliberate move to bring nations to a state of zombie-like submission will be brought to book. Give them the strength to make good decisions both in and out of the public eye. Once again, show forth Your glory and power. That Your Mighty Holy Majestic power sweeps over America today with Your outpouring of the Holy Spirit! We ask that you will shut out all the clamoring voices in our midst. Tripura Election Results: The BJP-IPFT alliance won 33 seats in the 60-member Tripura assembly, securing its return to power in the northeastern state for the second time in a row.According to the Election Commission website, the BJP bagged 30 seats while the Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT) got one. As a 501(c)3 organization, it's through your support that all this possible. WebPray for wisdom for voters and a safe and fair election. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. In Jesus Name. Lord Jesus save our country from tyranny of evil government. Keep us faithful to Christs all important Word, and may we turn to it every day for light in these dark times. God used Moses father-in-law to instruct him when Moses was wearying from taking on the leadership of the millions in the wilderness: What you are doing is not good. We know that if we, Your people will pray and repent, YOU will hear from heaven and heal our land. It is also written in Deuteronomy 25, you shall not have in your bag two kinds of weights, a large and a small. We also pray, Lord, for the relationship of the United States to Israel. Send warring Angels to fight the battles. Amen. -Oh, Loving God, you have the ultimate control over everything; help the candidates of the different parties such that they can gather a large population together to promote a successful election campaign. In Jesus name, Amen. Give us a breakthrough and replace those that are working against you with righteous people in the Congress and the Senate; to protect the Constitution of the United States of America! Help us to remember the things we have in common, and not just our differences. We prayed, we campaigned for the platform that upholds Your Name and Your precepts, and we voted for the platform that honors Your Word.