I moved to a new yard in 2013 and had to plant new avocado trees and wait and wait and wait. In the early 70s, other San Diego growers started experimenting with the Reed. If it doesnt have leaves then you need to protect the bare branches, for sure. Is It Safe to Eat Avocado Seed? Benefits, Risks and More - Dr. Axe I am a little confused in two items. I have kept possums out of a small apple tree through netting the entire canopy, but thats likely impractical for your Reed. Its unlikely that youll need to water every day. GDay Greg, I come from the Land Downunder. We are a family of 4. Avocado Toast with Egg. I have a great Gwen, but need cados at a different time of the year, too. Just an idea to think about. I never saw anything negative from it except that if the grounds are thick they become hydrophobic so I would make sure to mix them with coarse wood chips to counter that. Id wait until June to test one although they can taste acceptable in May sometimes. Ive saved a lot of rain water this year. Video showing late bloom on my Reed on July 1, 2021: One might suspect that it is a disadvantage for Reed to flower mostly at a different time from other avocado varieties because it reduces the potential for cross-pollination. The process for fertilizing avocado trees changes as they mature since they have changing nutritional needs. It has been tied to a fat stake that it came with from the nursery until about 6-8 weeks ago when it snapped in one of those storms we had. Thanks. Both of these negatives of Reeds skin are inconsequential to the overall enjoyment of eating Reed avocados, but they are there. And I still delight when a new variety sets fruit for the first time. I suggest you post your request on Tropical Fruit Forum: http://tropicalfruitforum.com/, Greg Im not sure if I have an issue with my Hass avocado tree I live in Dana point and it looks like my tree is loaded with fruit but the leaves arent growing in at the top of the plant and Im wondering about sunburn but m wondering if this is normal? Avocado Recipes, Nutrition REED, It has only lost about 25 % of its leaves, and the rest are droopy. I had to lop off the top 3. We had that heat spell and all of the fruit fell off. Oops! If the tree was grown from seed, then it is unique. Hi Greg found your website today searching for when to pick Reeds. and it is really growing vigorously. They were delicious; their seeds were only slightly sprouted inside. Its important to take the necessary measures to protect your tree from these pests. They stay relatively green throughout the ripening process and only turn black in small sections that indicate bruising. That said, avocado fruit does vary in shape and size when its grown in different locations. I just dont know if a Reed could vary so much to be like yours. You won't believe this, but avocado leaves actually contain more protein and fiber than the flesh itself! Half of an avocado (100g) supplies 160 calories, 2g of protein, 8.5 g of carbohydrates, and 14.7 g of fat. this is my first year (i have small fruitlets growing right now) and by next spring, i wouldve thought theyd be good to go based on size. Recommended by a landscape person saying they grow well and taste great. The extra shade cloth I put on today is a great help. Thanks for your article. When planted the leaves looked fine, but very soon they began to fall off or just droop. Reed could work, but would not be the ideal choice, if the allotted space were wider but not so tall. So what do you think? I always lived in Northern California and my dad never managed to make a go of avocado trees on our property, but my grandparents and cousins sent us avocados several times a year, and I enjoyed visiting them and seeing them pick the fruit right in front of me. So I dont prefer to prune my Reed and other summer varieties in September (although I do some minor pruning then and throughout the year). Information about Reed Avocado including applications, nutritional value, taste, seasons, availability, storage, restaurants, cooking, geography and history. Hi June, Its hard, but its worth it for the increased flavor. Due to the combination of high caloric content and rich nutritional value, avocado is an indispensable product for athletes, as it allows to build muscles and to gain calories at . Thanks much. Excited for more avocado content? I just planted a couple trees that are in a similar type of location. Reed avocados have such excellent texture and flavor that they are best eaten raw in their purest form. Its correct watering that a young avocado tree needs the most. Sept-Nov when skin is black. see below.). Im from Australia (Southern Highlands) and creating a productive garden. Like video? Do I need a pollinator tree? I water regularly and have given it some fertilizer ( fish emulsion) and several applications of foliar spray (seaweed extract). If thats a possibility with 5 gal containers, the goal would be to use Hass, Reed and another. Each spring at bloom time I get so excited and hopeful, and I try to just enjoy the process rather than get frustrated or impatient (I try!). Just picked up two 4 Reeds from a Vista, CA nursery. Commercial grade avocados are often handled roughly, and bruising would be extremely obvious on Reed avocados. Late fruit season typically starting in summer . The tree is approximately 25ft x 25ft and produces a lot (250+) of avocados. This is a larger Guatemalan variety with a thick, dark-green skin that is easy to remove. A whole medium avocado contains about 240 calories, 13 grams carbohydrate, 3 grams protein, 22 grams fat (15 grams monounsaturated, 4 grams polyunsaturated, 3 grams saturated), 10 grams fiber, and 11 milligrams sodium. Thanks so much! If by the end of August you dont see a lot of new leaves, then Id give up. The property was subdivided after Dorothy passed. The proof is in the fruit. In my hotter inland location, I pick all of my Reeds usually by sometime in September or else they start to taste chalky. I have hopefully solved this problem by creating a couple three foot high mounds of fast training soil and planting two trees, (Haas and Fuerte). Im not 100% sure theyre flowers because the leaf buds look so much like the flower buds. 16% . Thanks for the contribution and feedback. Meet the Reed Avocado, Hass's Rounder and Creamier Cousin Also satisfying your criteria, Id add Gwen. I dont know of anything that will stop these critters from eating avocados, except for keeping them out of the trees or killing them. The Reed avocado is a Type A variety. https://gregalder.com/yardposts/fruit-tree-grafted/, Hi Greg, Im in San Gabriel Valley, can you please tell me what month I can expect my Kona Sharwil to flower? Youll surely like the taste of those, and the ones I know are sufficiently productive too. The flesh of the Reed avocado is creamy and has a nutty flavor that is well-suited to a variety of dishes, including guacamole, dips, sandwiches, and salads. It will put out a few flowers as early as March in my location (Ramona, inland San Diego County) but waits until May and June to peak in bloom. Curious about how to find one of these avocados or maybe even how to grow your own? Thats probably right. So does it have transplant shock, too much sun, or not enough/too much water? It sounds like you should keep adding the mulch you are adding. I spoke to a large avocado grower and they have the same problem. I took most to church to give away. Here's . Thanks! 17 Different Types of Avocados - Home Stratosphere She notes that since avocados are a pretty significant source of healthy monounsaturated fat, they make you more satisfied and are harder to overdo because they tend to fill you up. Am i under watering it? Then keep reading to learn all about the Reed avocado. Reed is rightly called upright for an avocado, but it is not a columnar tree in a more general sense. I trust your advice. There are no more large avocados, just the fruitlets. It would great if anyone can connect me with farmers growing them. Through pruning, this distance can be sustained. Unsaturated fats may help support normal growth and development of the nervous system and brain for your baby. Pinkerton can get like a long gourd. Nobody has ever explained why grafting is necessary. From this article and video I now realize that I have a Reed avocado tree (it was grown from an unknown seed!). Continuing to add wood chips is great though because they are so coarse and airy. It contains roughly 80 calories, 8 grams of fat, 4 grams of carbohydrates, 250 mg of potassium, and as many as 20 other vitamins and minerals, including 11 mcg of vitamin K, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, and copper. Growing Facts. I look forward to seeing more of them. My backyard is small and Im somewhat space limited. I plant REED Avocado about 5 years and produce heavy crops,but the problems is shave of fruit like a pear is not round like the one you have and skin very thin and small fruit 5 to 6 fruits per kilogram .the meat of fruit very butter more than HASS Avocado, my problems is Why my REED avocado is not round and skin is not thick and hard to peel off.My landmark or location is 400 metre above sea level,friend of my grow the same REED with i have at the sea level above 800 metres up and shave of fruit is vary round most avocados grow in Thailand have flowers start from middle DEC.to middle of March most flowers pollination between JAN.thru March ,such as HASS,PINKERTON,,LAMBHASS,,RUSSELL Avocado flowers at same times but fruits pick up is difference time depend on types of avocados. More on Reed: http://gregalder.com/yardposts/the-reed-avocado-tree-a-profile/ I read your post a lot, but never ask questions because you are very good at explaining that I dont have any questions left after reading your posts. As long as you still find white roots deeper in the soil, then Id give the tree a shot at recovering in its current location. Reed avocados get so big that small limbs or small trees have a hard time carrying them; the limbs or trees will bend or lean a lot. It also works on green tomato theives. I visited that grove in early October, and the trees had just been pruned, as you can see in the photos. These trees get their name from the farmer who originally found the seedling in Carlsbad, California in 1948. I think itll be okay though. Avocado Benefits, Nutrition Facts, Recipes and More - Dr. Axe Unfortunately, Reeds flexibility with the heat doesnt extend far in the thermometers opposite direction. Regardless of its obscure commercial availability, the Reed avocado is often touted as the best tasting avocado among avocado growers. I still want to have a Reed in in a pot. Reeds can be slightly oblong. Sharwil blooms from about March into May, but you can get some flowers a bit earlier too. The FDA increased the recommended serving size for avocados in 2016 from one-fifth of a fruit to one-third. The fiber and monounsaturated fats in avocados have been linked to better maternal health, birth outcomes, and breast milk quality. I decided to abandon the fabric pot idea and planted the Reed in the ground in a mound as I felt it wasnt a good idea as far as water requirements, and wasnt interested in experimenting in territory that I cant find much information about Growing avocados in 200 gal fabric pots, the reed is doing well, has grown many new leaves and branches, as far as the heat in banning it doesnt get much over 96 degrees usually in the hottest months it can get infrequently to 100, during the record heat wave We had as few years back it didnt register over 109 degrees here . Reed Avocado Information and Facts - Specialty Produce Or is a two-plant option fine? Because of how large the fruits are, half . The tree is an Ettinger and is growing well and now has its first crop. My neighbor has a Fuerte which I believe is cross-pollinating with my Carmen and GEM now. What's more, avocados are rich in plant chemicals called polyphenols, which can benefit inflammation, heart health, and gut health. A friend of mine grew up there in a two-storied house that was dwarfed in the shade of a magnificent old Fuerte tree. 2 lamb hass 1 year growing on a raised mound both from 5 gal home depot, 1 gwen 5 gal purchased from a private nursery off Craigslist in San Bernardino/highland growing well on a raised mound for one year, 1 zutano 5 gal from home depot growing on a raised mound for one year, and lastly a bacon and reed both 5 gal from home depot growing in fabric pot planters both just planted fall 2020, the bacon is in a 100 gallon, on the soil, i cut the bottom out of the smart pot so that the roots can go into the ground however the reed is in a 200 gallon fabric pot on a South facing concrete patio, do you think that this reed tree can be productive and stay in this fabric pot permanently? While Reed avocados are large and delicious, they arent often sold in most grocery stores. A nice alternative to Reed is Lamb because it also matures in summer so it complements the Hass spring harvest well. Ive had a semi hard Reed and didnt like it, so think Ill wait. Add mulch. Thanks. BTW: Im also reading about Gwen avocados. Rich in nutrients. Lots of crispy salt and sun burned tips. Young avocado trees usually grow fine without any fertilizer, but can grow a bit faster with a small amount of fertilizer. Incrementally, reduce the shade as leaves are able to protect the branches and the end of summer arrives. Hi Bruce, We have a Reed tree about 30 feet tall here on the island of Kauai. I hate for them to go to waste. Before Reed avocados are ready to be picked, they look ready to be picked. Reports say that survives temperatures down to 30F (-1C). In my own yard, my Reed has a Lamb avocado tree near it. Please reply to email. While avocados are loved for their taste and recipe potential, theyre also revered for their health benefits. Reed avocados are available at some farmers markets in the summer months and early fall, or even early winter. I cant seem to find them in my local nursery. I just bought a Reed from Maddock nursery in Fallbrook. The other varieties that bloomed in my yard this spring have been finished flowering for approximately a month already. I often think of the threesome of Fuerte (winter), Hass (spring), and Reed (summer) as being insurmountable for many locations. Reed history. These include vitamins A, B-6, C, D, E, K, B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), B2 (riboflavin) and B5 (Pantothenic Acid). Watch a flowering video. However, after another heat spike the few fruitlets I had dried up and dropped. Thanks for all the great info you provide; so helpful. Thank you so much for all the great information and time you took to help home growers. Avocado Tree Fertilizer: How To Fertilize Avocados - Gardening Know How Good luck with your trees. Its not so hard, but it is harder. Its okay to plant where the apple gets removed, but you will probably want to plant on a slight mound since the area might settle a bit as the apple crown and roots decompose over the next couple years. I thought they were young fruit that had dropped because they werent as big as mature Reeds normally are, but then they ripened in the kitchen without any shrivel. Its normal to have that kind of fruit drop. Have to get to it! I hope your tree continues growing well. But Reed avocados do take about 14 months to mature so you wouldnt be eating those fruit until around July of 2021. The green skin is thick and shell-like, but pliable and the flesh is cream-colored, not discoloring once cut open . The lowest my yard has gotten in the past six winters is 26, and during those nights the Reed incurred twig damage as far back as six inches but there was never any damage to the fruit inside the canopy, and the tree still flowered reasonably well the following springs. Exactly right. 586 Ratings. My site is just not suited for such low limbs. Reeds. Also the additional shade cloth I put over the top is a great help. Hi I am in Australia I have an avocado tree the fruit is the same round shape as the reed but when I pick my avocados mine ripen go a dark colour like the Hass, my tree has been grown from seed which was given to me by a avocado grower friend who has passed away and never did get the name of the type variety. Can you recommend where to purchase a tree? by Greg Alder | Jun 28, 2019 | Avocados | 158 comments. Just to note, were close to finishing the fruit from our Hass tree now (we didnt have that much this year, only about 70 avocados), and the Reed fruit is nearly mature. 20 Avocado Facts You Should Know - Facts Legend The trees grow well in areas with cool winters and hot, humid summers. We have a Hass for 6 years now about 15 feet tall. This is the case with my own Reed tree as well as all Reed trees Ive observed in other locations. Portrait of smiling young woman vendor in apron holding two. Heres why and what to do., https://gregalder.com/yardposts/avocado-fruit-drop-why-when-how-many/, https://www.etsy.com/listing/607631552/the-yard-posts-garden-sign-the-yard?ref=related-1, https://gregalder.com/yardposts/the-lamb-hass-avocado-tree-a-profile/, Pruning avocado trees to keep them small, https://gregalder.com/yardposts/fertilizing-avocado-trees/, http://www.avocadosource.com/CAS_Yearbooks/CAS_75_1991/CAS_1991_101.pdf, https://gregalder.com/yardposts/how-long-until-an-avocado-tree-fruits/, https://gregalder.com/yardposts/should-you-buy-a-big-or-small-avocado-tree/, https://gregalder.com/yardposts/avocado-trees-get-sunburned-what-to-do/, https://gregalder.com/yardposts/grafting-a-pollenizer-branch-into-your-fruit-tree/, GB Organics Blue Ribbon Blend Potting Soil, https://www.fourwindsgrowers.com/products/reed-avocado, https://gregalder.com/yardposts/what-kind-of-avocado-tree-do-you-get-when-you-plant-a-seed/, https://gregalder.com/yardposts/fruit-tree-grafted/, https://gregalder.com/yardposts/the-story-of-one-avocado-tree-that-sprouted-from-a-compost-heap/. Besides size, the characteristics that I use to distinguish old from new crop are the dullness of the skin and the color of the stem. I had my gardener plant a 3-5 year old Reed avocado about a month ago. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'm Greg. At that point, make sure your drainage is good and plant a new tree (on a mound if the drainage isnt so good). Organic Reed Avocado at Whole Foods Market Id just remove those. The smaller (younger) the avocado fruit, the more vulnerable to stresses. The fruit is rounded and weighs 12 to 18 ounces, about the size of a softball. I only use photos here on my website that Ive taken, except for a few over the years that Ive noted. If the avocado is fully ripe, you should hear a rattling noise when you shake it. I would do whatever is easiest with your rainwater. Do try to get a feel for what has caused the struggle of your Hass since it might do the same for your Reed. Here are characteristics of the Reed avocado fruit, its history, the trees shape and growing habit, and a few remarkable strengths and weaknesses all in order to help you decide whether a Reed avocado tree deserves a place in your yard. Jim: Origin John Reinecke, San Diego, 1939. Sunburn is going to be your enemy. Hey Greg, 6. I have a spot in mind Id really like to plant it, but Im not sure it gets enough light to thrive. Wish you a great harvest next summer. Youre very welcome, Leyla. SELF Nutrition Data | Food Facts, Information & Calorie Calculator I really appreciate it. In 2016 my yard reached 109, and the least affected of my avocado trees was the Reed. Should I leave the growth or should I remove them?i took a photo but dont see an option to add it here. Irrigation information. These trees are known for their larger-than-average fruit. Whole ball avocados on a metal plate. So do you think July would be a good time to pick my first one? The only thing that works is to buy a gallon jug of Louisiana Hot Sauce at Smart and Final Grocery Store. Thank you for the kind words. SOLD OUT FOR 2022. I just purchased a Reed in a 15 galllon pot this week. Thank you Greg for your awesome post on the Reeds. The Reed avocado is a cultivar first developed in California. The fruit grows to about 10cm and is ripened after it is picked. Thank you for the great info, videos, and pics of the Reed avocado! Last year and thru the winter this year my tree has shown a lot of salt burn on the leaf tips. A 100-gram (3.5-ounce) portion (half a large avocado) provides: 15 grams of natural fat. Despite dropping the foliage it did flower and set some fruit for the first time. The trees end up intermingling their canopies in the middle after some time and starting to look like a single large tree. Calories in One AVOCADO (Small, Medium, Large) - Lovandy.com What Im wondering is whether the tree has a root system that is healthy and big enough to bring the tree back at all. I dont think they do anything to it and it produces a lot of fruit. Thanks for any advice you have. While it never made it commercially, Reed remains a favorite avocado for home growers, farmers markets, and specialty markets. Just contact Eli before going in order to make sure he sets aside the Reed on the rootstock that you want. Since you mentioned Reeds seem perfectly happy with lots of sun, warm weather and less-than-perfect water, I think the hot sunny spot thats been roasting my Hass should be perfect for the Reed and hopefully the Hass will be happier in the other spot without the late afternoon sun. Avocado Nutrition Facts and Avocado Benefits - Real Simple Six years ago we planted a Cannon Ball seed & now tree is huge 20ft tall . Until then, I can say that there are lots of different mixes that Ive seen people use successfully and that I have used also. Long time lurker, first time commmenter. Reed avocados store well in the fridge once cut. I would be careful about letting your Reed carry more than a couple avocados this year. Reed avocados are great when eaten by themselves, but theyre even better when properly paired with other foods. Hi Greg Reed Avocado | Citrus and Fruit Trees | Moon Valley Nurseries They will fry. for about $6 and mix it one third to one half sauce to water. Its now December and I am longing for some guacamole! It is slightly pebbled, compared to e.g. Ill of course take out the root ball but Im not sure I can get to all the roots. They are in Fallbrook, a short drive up the 15, exit Mission Road. My Sharwil is blooming now (although not as much as Id like!). I re-stakes it with a bunch of flexible skinnier metal stakes, but they are shorter and the top flops around, especially in the wind. I love it. (See My favorite way to eat a Reed avocado.). Paint bare branches as necessary: https://gregalder.com/yardposts/avocado-trees-get-sunburned-what-to-do/. Avocado - Reed (A Flowering Variety):Large, round, thick skinned variety with a smooth, green skin and a rich flavour. 11 Types of Avocados - Minneopa Orchards My first suspicion would be that roots were damaged in the planting process since avocado roots are so fragile. I know I dont have enough to get me thru our summer. What is your experience and recommendations with productivity when Reeds are confined to large containers? This race was only introduced into the West Indies. Avocado Nutrition Facts - MenuSano They have good ones in 15 gallon of all 4. Try it on its own, or with just a squeeze of lemon and a sprinkle of sea salt. Meet the Reed Avocado Consciously Kosher I just moved into a home with n avocado tree that is at lease 10-15 years old if not older. We are interested in a hundred other qualities, but skin color is not one of them. Does the spot I described have enough light for a Reed? Three to four years is a long time though. Some of this leaf burn seems clearly due to the sensitivity of certain rootstocks. I wanted to find a Reed as you suggest to pair with it, but none of the nurseries around San Diego seem to have any. I plan to go to Green Scene this year. The Reed is big and round, like a softball, with thick, leathery (but not pebbly) skin. The tree is in a 25g pot and was in the direct sun all day. It is mostly commercially grown in California. It was growing and filling out nicely until this spring when we had an early heat spike after which is dropped a lot of its foliage. Reed avocados yield to gentle pressure when ripe, though their skin will remain green. However, its large size provides ample edible flesh to make up for it. Yes, David. Avocado eaters tend to be healthier. The problem with this late September pruning time, at least for me, is that youve now cut off outer foliage that could have protected the inner foliage and fruit from any nasty freeze that might hit in the upcoming winter. Developed from a chance seedling found in 1948 by James S. Reed in California, t he tree grows tall to about 15 feet but does not sread out to wide it gets 8 . we are in our early 60s and dont want to wait too long to enjoy the fruit. Can You Eat Too Much Avocado? - Cleveland Clinic But anything in moderation works fine in my experience. I dont know if this indicates a type of root rot. I have a Reed tree that will be 4 yrs old this fall. In general, avocado trees need plenty of sunlight, water, and annual pruning. It is now in ground for a year and is 4 feet tall. In blender, add 2 ripe peeled and pitted avocados, the solid part of the coconut milk (save the liquid for another recipe), frozen banana, 3 tablespoons maple syrup, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, and 4-5 mint leaves. Hey Greg, This creamy fleshed fruit has an excellent flavor that is rich, bold, and nutty. Any recommendations. The tree itself is very tall. The Bacon avocado tree: a profile - Greg Alder's Yard Posts: Southern It looks like it will flower this Spring. I picked up my Reed avocado from Clausen Nursery several months back. (Of the 20 to . The Reed avocado are very round, very large, thick skinned green avocados with a creamy smooth texture and excellent buttery-flavored flesh. Call an exterminator. I have never been there. A report from Israel once found that Ettinger and Fuerte pollenized Reed: http://www.avocadosource.com/CAS_Yearbooks/CAS_75_1991/CAS_1991_101.pdf. It looked happy until late June and now it looks miserable. A full meal. Fuerte can be picked earlier than Hass and Lamb can be picked even later than Reed. Based on what youve written Ive decided to get a Reed to compliment my Haas. The avocado (Persea americana) is a medium-sized, evergreen tree in the laurel family . Organic. Some others feel this way too, and this is one reason that Reeds dont find a home on the shelves of most grocery stores.