People in Ireland speak English, but not exactly the Queens English. With a little help from the Gaelic languagecalled Irishthe populace of the Emerald Isle has devised its very own collection of weird and wonderful words and phrases. As a nation we're all aware we have a language of our own. Slinte! Bookmarked it. We do use many weird and wonderful words don't we!! Some of these words are familiar to native English speakers from the USA and UK but used in a different Irish context. A personal favourite. As each generation comes of age, it adds new and creative slang to the culture. Offensive: Youre only a bollox. Define neck. Stop being a dosser, man! For example, Your Michael is a little hallion. For each question, choose the best answer. " Ye half eejit ye " - Not quite a full eejit, but still quite foolish. Thanks for sharing and passing this on. It was a fun hub to write and laughs all the way!! Leg it refers to moving fast. Great Hub! For example, Shite, put the cans away. Southern grandmothers are a national treasure. And it tends to cause a bit of confusion, at times. For example, Ah stop, thats gas! or Emmas dog is gas. Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on April 23, 2015: Suzanne, this was a real interesting read about the top Irish slang words and their meanings. Related Reads: Check out our guide to 31 funny Irish jokes and 33 Irish insults and curses that locals use. That gentleman is a member of the terrorist group called Irish Republican Army On jest terroryst z IRA. Someone thats a nuisance. For example, Stall the ball chief, Ill be there in 20 or Stall the ball a minute what did he say?. Thanks. Thon simply means "the" or "those" in a sentence and can be used to describe pretty much anything. "Jaysis, it's quare warm today isn't it?". Its pissing down out there., Weather type: Rainey. Hang on there for a second and Ill leg it over to you now!. 3. They are commonly risk-takers or, sometimes, daredevils. , meaning illegal whiskey. To help you get started, we are sharing with you three types of spoken slang which we believe can help you: Irish slang words; Irish phrases; Irish slang swear words; If you are up for that, then off we go into the lingo. Here the top 80 most used Irish slang phrases. This isnt slang find out what it means here. What a fine way to raise your mugs! Or mor ya or mauryah in Irish English, it is a derisive interjection that can be properly translated as Yeah, right in the US English language slang or bullocks in the UK. My cousin does professional Irish dancing and has visited there every year. Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on October 02, 2012: Like your use of a bit of slang, your are coming on grand and soon you will be suckin diesel me ol' flower! Here is the ultimate Irish slang dictionary. Appreciate your voting :-). We all went back to Sharons after. A nasty ciotog he was, and a great painter, but filled with greed and self-loathing. or my darling a term of endearment youll never forget. Bags (to make a bags of something) Bang on. ! translates into I definitely wont be doing that. Hes from Malahide, but hes dead on. Thank you for sharing those great Irish slang words with us :) Brilliant. When someone says "slinte," whether on St. Patrick's Day or not, they're . Cailln maith meaning 'good girl' became a way of refering to your girl friend. LOL Glad you enjoyed, appreciate your continued support and votes:-). Chancers, like you and your friends wont have a hard time finding the, Depending on how you use it, boyo (plural: boyos) can refer to a boy or a lad, who is usually younger than the speaker. It refers to a young Irish girl, or a, is derived from the old Irish Gaelic term. Rattletrap. For example, Ill see you in 20. It was minus craic. This is a popular blessing oftentimes used in Catholic weddings or cross-stitched pillows. So much of this looks like Australian slang to me. We Irish do have some odd words we use everyday! Glad you enjoyed and i appreciate your votes and sharing! A state of discontentment, envy, or sometimes, wishing of ill will for those who achieve success on a friend or a person of higher power or authority. Nice work :). In Ireland, for some bizarre reason, we describe the shopping or the groceries as the messages. He does be flying around the garden like hes possessed.. For example, Bout ye, chief! Other craic terms include good craic, mighty craic, deadly craic, and whats the craic, meaning how are you?. maybe another part is needed?? For example, I got tickets to the Aslan gig. This said the Irish locals have created thousands of English slang that dates back from the medieval period up until modern times. For example, busted can mean "broken" or "ugly," sick can mean "ill" or "very cool," and hip can mean "trendy" or "fashionably un-trendy.". I met a local once at a pub during our extended trip in County Donegal, and he kept complaining about his lifes begrudgery, and how he never has luck wherever he goes. You've highlighted one phrase used quite a bit here! Looking for some fun Irish slang words and phrases? I use this about 20 times a day. Here's hoping you will get to use here soon!! Irish Slang and Phrases explained. Used to describe someone thats annoying. You certainly wouldnt want to hear this from your Irish tour guide at the start of his or her tour! But most of them are creations of literary geniuses and everyday Irishmen who strive to make the English language as dynamic, engaging, heartfelt, communicative, and fun as possible. Banjaxed - Not working or broken. Aye . Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on November 19, 2013: Hahaha that was gas! Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on September 14, 2012: What quick work you are! At the moment, it is the primary language of a mere 72,000 people. Hope this helps! 4. For example, WHY did I have the second bottle of wine. he can ask me bollix if he tinks im gettin into a barney wit him over it the poxbottle, sure ur aulwan kno's wot he's like n all inanyways dya kno worimean pal. Tae: Tea. Mot is an Irish slang word for 'girlfriend'. Conservation. Bate - To be completely exhausted and out of energy. Meaning of Craic. Ill drop it over later. But apart from Irish, beyond the Gaeltacht there's a second tongue many of us are fluent in. Sample Usage: Whoo! When you hear an Irish local saying that you are going in arseways, it means you are going in the wrong direction (A persons arse can be found behind). Example, "Tara, I'm going to the shop", and . Very very drunk! The word Culchie is used to describe someone living in a remote part of Ireland. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. For example, Shut your bake, you clown. 18. If you arrive in Ireland and ask someone for the restroom, it is a social suicide. Their accent didn't help one bit - especially after a few drinks. For example, Shes after being f****d out of the nightclub. That young lad was in here last night acting the maggot. I heard the waves are great at Inchydoney Beach, honey. There are no strangers here, only friends that we have not yet met. But in Ireland, when you say someone is on tenterhooks, it means they are at the edge of something agitating. "Sleeven" A sleeven is a sly or underhanded person. As long as it didn't put you off visiting our wee Emerald Isle! Can also be "I will yeah" or "Oh I will"it's all in the tone. For example, The hostel were staying in as a kip and a half!. Looking forward to reading more of your work here! Therefor, I think it is very much possible that the police officers have actually got the saying from the potential . ur aulfellas a durtburd for sayin i stroked ur scratcher out d gaf man. It usually refers to two thingsthe first is a heavy accent of a certain dialect or a shoe made of untanned leather. Youll generally hear people use this when describing how long its been since theyve seen someone, or how long its been since theyve done something. Welcome To Malahide Castle: Walks, History, The Butterfly House + More, A Guide To Howth In Dublin: A Stunning Seaside Village That Packs A Punch. Pronounced as slawn-sha, if you and your friends have a couple of more rounds, the best Irish chant for cheers is Slinte! This comical Irish phrase basically just means "messing about". Dive on in below! It's an odd pronunciation of "queer," but it's used as a replacement for "very.". Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on September 27, 2012: Many thanks for reading this! . It is my storeen. Its been ages since I last seen ye, boyo. Thanks again:-) !! But maybe thats because Im getting old and getting out less Sarahs new fella was out last night. May the road rise up to meet you. Take it from this Irishwoman though: you shouldn't go around Dublin calling people "eejits" anytime soon. For example, The smell off those runners. Now, theres another potential use for this Irish phrase, and thats when describing someone thats bull-thick (aka angry). This guide will help you understand how these words were formed, and how theyre used in your first or next visit to Ireland. Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on September 23, 2013: Thanks for the comment! In my last job, I worked in a building with around 250 people from 34 different countries. It was some Ogeous handling. In terms of direction, this term is not a bit offensive and is actually quite useful. A first for me!! For example, Ah, man, the heads bouncing off of me. Cheers Brett.Tesol!! A few of these I actually wouldn't have even known were slang, because I have used/heard them so much (namely gawked, brutal and mortified). !, Youll often hear people refer to a young lad as a youngfella and a woman as a youngwan. Like very sorry? :-). Don't forget to test your slang street cred and your gift of the gab ability, by taking my small quiz at the end! It basically means be quiet!. Mike Licht,CC-BY-2.0, via flickr. This guide to British sayings, funny British phrases, dirty expressions, slang words, and more will not only help you understand what the people of England, Wales, and . Irish Slang Words, Jokes, Funny Irish images, Irish memes, Irish Sayings, Irish Slang Terms, Irish Phrases and more. You'll often hear Irish people refer to a person or a situation as 'Gas'. I did have fun compiling this, it has to be said! Lets watch? The only people that I know who use these words to describe drunkenness are friends from Drogheda. And it has further connotations: a, is regarded as a strange person, a strange. Irishmen and women, with shamrock and four-clover leaves, are fans of good luck. You are so right, and I am forever using it! or perhaps, touched by the Devil himself. For example, Do you remember the time Micky got caught moving the cow in the back of his Ford Focus? Oh, I do. Pronounced Flue-tered, this one describes a person thats on the wrong side of 9 pints. You could actually use lash here as well, for example, Give me a lash of that. This next section covers the more common, everyday Irish sayings and phrases that tend to pop up in conversation frequently. In many countries, the word Unreal means imaginary or illusory, but not in Ireland. Depending on how you use it, boyo (plural: boyos) can refer to a boy or a lad, who is usually younger than the speaker. Translation: A walk. Youll often hear Irish people refer to a person or a situation as Gas. It stems from the Irish Gaelic word cuisle, which means darling, or more literally vein or pulse. For example, It was definitely Colin. Craic: popular throughout Ireland - where's the craic, as in where's the fun at. I loved this. Slagging means to make fun of. Arriving in Ireland, you may be forgiven for thinking you have been hoodwinked, cajoled, led up the garden path, or just plain misinformed as to the language widely spoken here. Often used in a derogatory context. How-to-crafts from Ireland on July 03, 2012: A great selection of slang words we use in our daily conversations here in Dublin. Example - "My wee lad is doing his eleven plus the day". An old Irish slang word used to describe someone thats a chancer. Weather type: Sunny. I turned scarlet when he saw me picking my nose, ugh! On your trip to a nearby pub in Ireland, you might hear most young Irishmen refer to their fathers as their gaffer. According to Irish Central, the craic was 90 signifies the nirvana of craic, though it can also be used sarcastically when something that was supposed to be a good time ends up being the opposite. It commonly refers to chips or other potato-based finger foods. Slap chips [slup chips] is a slang phrase for deep-fried potato chips sold at takeaway seafood shops, grocery stores and restaurants. For example, Did you do that thing for yer man? Did I fu*k. For example, Hes only a goon that lad. The term roots from the Irish word sbn, meaning illegal whiskey. This was one of the most enjoyable posts that Ive written in a while. Details Parent Category: Irish Slang Phrases This one is usually used the morning after a heavy session when youre explaining why your heads is thumping. Someone not working or is messing about, up to no good, Go away (polite version), used to show surprise or shock, Used for your guy, as in 'Me Fella' partner/husband/boyfriend, Home, to have a 'free gaff' means you are home alone, Fun phrase used in a conversation to get a laugh, reaction. . Based on recent reports, about 99% of the Irish people actually use English than the Irish . Or something along those lines? Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on June 24, 2012: What a great hub! Hows she cutting?! This is an Irish phrase thats used to ask someone to wait for you or to stop what youre saying. LOL It's funny that you mention dating an Irishman. The etymology of this fun Irish word remains unknown until today, but when you say something is banjaxed, it means they have been shattered or were broken. I hear things like "deadly", "donkey's years", "fella", "knackered", "we legged it outta there", "mortified", "we went to the pictures" and so on on an almost daily basis, just to name a few. Down the Swanee : - Down the drain. Scrumptious! Hopefully you will get to visit us over this neck of the woods and have a head start in the speech! The term Paddy Wagon derives from the idea that the Irish were all criminals, and when the police came to quell a brawl or something of the like, they would just be rounding up a bunch of "paddys." Plastic Paddy: Irish: Term used by the Irish describing those who grew up in the a foreign country (specifically the UK) and still identify as being . For example, Dye see me new runners. Hello, my name's Tom Hardy. The thing has gone to shit and I only have it a week. On your next trip to Ireland, you might want to avoid it. Im a pure irish woman, born and raised ,im surprised ,ive heard all of these but the most common ive heard are ,acting the maggot ,craic, ejit ,black stuff ,eff off ,feck off, and lots more . On your next hiking or rock-climbing adventure with your buddies, you can use this term however you want. Its just right across the block, and they serve delightful, Irish Slang Word #30: Cup of scald, or Cha, I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. when meaning "may I help you?" Its worth noting that when someone says that theyre grand, they may not necessarily be so. Jammy basically means lucky. Someone thats a waster. I could understand words like Banjaxxed and Poxy causing hassle, but I couldnt get over that Giving out didnt make sense. But a chancer is a person who pushes their luck a wee too much. The most comprehensive online dictionary of Irish Slang. Faffin - a comical Irish phrase. Standard English: 'That was a great score'; 'He's a great guy'. Mor ya, you dont have a brother, Eddie! The slang is much similar to the Irish word ciotach, meaning clumsy. So, I thought giving out was something used globally genuinely. According to Ireland Calling, its most likely short for the phrase cat on a melodeon. If Americans have fries, and English people from the UK have chips, in Ireland, you might want to order a tayto as a side dish. Faffing means to do something without actually doing anything. Scundered/scunnered - different meanings depending on your location. May the luck of the Irish enfold you. Pronounced kware, this word can be used in a variety of ways to mean great, very, and terrific.. These meanings portray left-hand people as weird outcasts of or Irish society. .thank YOU for your kind comments as well. More of a clich to be honest! Irish Slang can have different meanings outside of Ireland so here are some Irish slang words and sayings and how to use t. I would have ever guessed the meaning of some of these words and phrases! There are two peelers coming up the road there. Our Nature Reserves . For example, Sure look, what can ye do?!. No worries. Positive thinking, Southern style. For example, I still cant believe we won that match. For example, Shes an awful gobshite. Scrumptious! This is another for describing someone thats heavily intoxicated. I love it. This term is used for news, gossip, and fun conversations engaged by the locals. it might be a term of endearment. Here are some of my favourites. When it comes to A shot, you could say, Gimme a shot of that kettle there. Giving out literally means to complain. Or mor ya or mauryah in Irish English, it is a derisive interjection that can be properly translated as, in the UK. So, it does your nut in, doin' my nut in . I used to use, and here this one used, back during my days in school. Ireland Travel Guides was born because of this passion and hopefully, in some little ways, this website will be able to help you on your next trip to Ireland. Irish English. Banjaxed is another lovely Irish expression. Voted up and shared! But much stronger. Update: weve had around 50 emails since this guide was published asking about the term the luck of the Irish. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. I'm steamin' - you might hear this at the pub. Craic - a good time. Eighteenth- and 19th-century Scottish and English schoolboy slang ("sapskull", "saphead") that the Irish took and shortened. This guide will help you understand how these words were formed, and how theyre used in your first or next visit to Ireland. lol. Meredith, I really need to go to my brothers wedding. It generally means house, and more often used by Irish, Scottish, and English teenagers and young adults. Locked is just one such term - others include mouldy, ossified, polluted, twisted and langers. Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on September 11, 2012: Thanks Daniel, Appreciate your comments! For example: "Let's meet after the lecture for a few jars.". Developed "straight from the horse's mouth". But be wary if a stranger addresses you with this term at the middle of the night. Shes bang on or I had the bike fixed down in Riordains yard last week. Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on June 22, 2012: Cheers chef-de-jour! 3. 'Mucker'- an endearing term to describe a friend. When rendered as 'bold' (as in 'gold') it means 'naughty', even 'bad' or 'reprehensible'. I would only really use "to be sure, to be sure" as a form of emphasizing Irishness, and in a funny way. For example, Youll be getting off your hole and emptying the bins in 5 minutes. I WILL I'D SAY. Its okay to feel scarlet if you ever accidentally pour an ale over a handsome, young lad in a pub. My gaffer and mums currently staying at Dromoland Castle Hotel in County Clare. Hope you get to visit here in the near future, you will then be up to speed fully armed with the lingo! Ireland is the only European nation that has the highest percentage of citizens who speak English as their mother tongue or native language at 97.51%. Listen, mates, we got ourselves on tenterhooks for a while. I wish I'd had your list before we traveled to Ireland in 2010. Appreciate your comments! You see that poor painter, begging for scraps? you are very welcome to hear the truth about your amazing writing from me any day. Over the course of my time there, I received my fair share of strange looks when I said certain things. Savage, man, I thought they were sold out. I'm not slagging you, It's on the top of my list. Some instruments commonly used for trad music are the fiddle, the flute and the whistle, Uilleann pipes, harp, accordion, banjo, mandolin, and harmonica. So glad that I found YOU on Hubs. For example, Dont be worrying about it, its grand. Grand: means good and is used up North and down South. lol Thanks for your comments and votes, much appreciated!! We use Unreal to describe something that so good its actually hard to believe. It's easy enough to see the words now, but to hear them - that's a whole different story. 19. For example, That lad keeps on texting me. dangerous. Anatomy a. I enjoyed reading them. Likely to be severely hungover the following morning. Jeff Berndt from Southeast Michigan on April 24, 2013: Great stuff! A long time ago I was serving a custodial sentence. How ya getting on? In Irish Gaelic, it's Is do mhac do mhac inni, ach is d'inon d'inon go deo. Thanks for sharing. The word manky is used to describe something thats dirty. I have never been to Ireland but if I am lucky enough to get the chance to visit, your hub here will come in quite useful! Yer man. Since before time, we Irish have managed to invent our very own slang words and phrases to unleash on all unfamiliar with the lingo! When you feel scarlet in Ireland, you feel embarrassed or mortified over something. The word crack came from the Middle English term. Tenterhooks are hooks used to fasten cloth, either on a wall or a frame, for drying. For example, Ross, ya pox! A nasty ciotog he. Youre looking well!, For example, Ah, Kayla. 19. Appreciate your votes and sharing!! A two-day short trip around the. For example, Shite man Im running late. For example, He had a bag of skittles and three bottles of Coke an hour ago hes been up to high doh ever since. For example, Ah for fu*k sake. Feck is a polite way of saying f*ck. Susan Zutautas from Ontario, Canada on August 23, 2012: What a gas :) Really enjoyed your hub. When you first hear the word "yonks" used in Ireland, you might be a little confused. Here's to you and here's to me, I pray that friends we'll always be, but if by chance we disagree, the heck with you and here's to me. Here, you'll find everything from hike and drive guides to funky places to stay and more! Look at him pulling a beamer. For a little island we talk quite a bit of ?@*? You could refer to someone that's annoying you as 'That yoke over there' or you could also say 'Here, pass me that yoke there on the counter'. It stems from the English noun. And FYI, my ancestors came from Old Ireland. UK Only: 028 7173 0331; Int: +44 28 7173 0331; Set Currency: Login (0) Item(s) 0.00; Menu ||| Buy Plot; Accessories; Our Story. Theyre a pair of dryshites. Howve ye been? .maybe a hub! I am so glad you enjoyed this compilation of Irish slang. Have a great week. I lived in NZ for a year and did not hear any Aussies use them either. You see that poor painter, begging for scraps? Voted Up and Sharing, then I'm off to the Jacks! (Derogatory). Although, it might be fun as a joke. Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on July 01, 2012: Hi annart, Thanks so much for reading and voting, appreciate your comments! Savage, mate. Hope that helps! A melodeon is a small organ, so we can imagine a feline walking across one would not sound that great. This next section dives into Irish phrases and Irish slang words that Ive said in the past and that have gone completely over peoples heads. But here are just a few English words that have a very different meaning if you grew up in Ireland, and are strikingly different from Standard English. Joshua Zerbini from Pennsylvania on June 29, 2012: Suzie, this was a hilarious hub! I'm definitely gonna need this if I wanna go to Ireland! Confusing or what?! LOL. The word slap means 'limp' in Afrikaans and is a perfect description for the oily potato chips which are larger than French fries. For travelers, if your good friends call you boyo, it might be a term of endearment. Having the craic means the person was out having fun, for example, Ah, man, Im dying. Here are 20 Northern Irish phrases and what they mean in plain English. If you use one of these . Ah, deadly. The jammy hoor!. During your trip, if an Irish local or your best friend calls you their, Stems from the more common English term crack. Mary Wickison from USA on April 25, 2013: Wonderful. You are now a graduate of the Authentic Vacations school of Irish slang. Heres a handful (Ill update this again at a later date as more comments come in). If he was mine Id give him a good kick up the hole!. 10 Yonks. Now. When you feel scarlet in Ireland, you feel embarrassed or mortified over something. Making a hames in Irish slang is equivalent to making a mess in US English slang. Commonly used in England where Irish immigrants did much of the manual labour. Niall Horan tests his knowledge of Irish slang. Yet, still, it is used in a mocking mannerwith a hint of affection. No, we don't mean the fuel. For example, Did you get it printed? No, the things banjaxed sure or The f*cking car wont start again the engines banjaxed. Jim jams - is slang for pyjamas and as a student you'll hear "I think it's time to put on my jim jams and get into bed - I'm exhausted!" - a lot! If youre chatting to someone and they reply with Sure look it tends to mean it is what it is. Or yer woman a saying that is heard all over Ireland, sometimes because they simply can't remember the person's name or then again just because. 30 Irish Slang Words Every Visitor Should Learn Before Visiting Ireland, , if you and your friends have a couple of more rounds, the best Irish chant for c, Its not literally black, but you guessed it righta strong pint of this famous, Addressing your darling or Irish sweetheart from Ireland will never be as soft and endearing as the Irish term. Many are used without us even realizing we must sound odd to foreign visitors! Proud of that too, lassie! Had fun compiling, thinking there really is soooo many, where did they all come from?!! . Thanks for guide! Know more? Mary Strain from The Shire on August 23, 2012: Loved this! For example, Sorry pal can you tell me where the jacks is?!. With all the different slang and the different accents going on it makes for a very crazy world of language! It stems from the English noun grudgeand as you can hear from Irish conversations, the persons who use this term usually hold a grudge towards the persons they are referring to, or, they just simply are complaining about their rough situation in life. Heres a handful of slang words that are used to describe a girl/woman. We are your one-stop travel website for all things Ireland. Gas. lol Thanks again RC. In the guide below, you'll find LOOOOOOOADS of Irish insults and Irish curse words (or 'cuss words', for ye Americans). !LOL what an idea!! Now if I can only save enough to go to Ireland so I can test out my nifty new words! It is a saying that is often known, as you rightly point out, thanks for the query!! Translation: A messer. You can also use this word to describe something thats bad. Culchie is the term people who live in Dublin use to refer to someone who lives in the rural areas outside the city. Up to 90 means flat out busy doing something. For example, The pub last night was wedged with culchies.. To keep it going, and to make this guide as helpful as possible, Im going to offer myself as an Irish slang translator. If no help comes to us, well move on. If you're behaving foolishly, you'll be told to 'cop on', if you solve a difficult problem, you'll be praised for having good 'cop on'. Appreciate your votes and sharing MK!!!! Its another one for very drunk people. The press is the kitchen cupboard where food is stored. Theres a lotof different Irish slang for drunk or to describe someone thats had far too much to drink. I also lived in 3 continents from the Caribbean, South East Asia to Africa. I'll have to re-read this to get the full effect of all the phrases! For example, Im going to go in there now and eat the head off of him!, Cmere to me can mean two things: the first is to literally come here, for example, Cmere to me and tell me what happened?. Dryshite. meaning leg covering. Often used in a derogatory context. I can sense that. thing is banjaxed!". This term means its raining heavily. Here are some words I want to leave you that tell you how I describe this hub: AMAZING; THRILLING; PROFESSIONALLY-WRITTEN AND RESEARCHED; DELIGHTFUL; HYPNOTIC and FUN TO READ. Contrary to popular belief this does not mean "great" or anything nearly as enthusiastic.